I take my writing very seriously and view each book as a one-on-one teaching between myself and my reader. I am not simply presenting them a piece of fiction to entertain them (though, I do try to achieve that as well), but instead, I look at the reader as a valued and trusted student that I wish to impart wisdom beyond imagination. That is the very reason that I created the Watcher, as the most valuable member of the SOV. The Watcher is the reader—the listener—and every book that he/she picks up of mine, I want that book to nourish their souls pass down the wisdom of the ancients so that they might grow and evolve into spiritual beings.
Where does the line between fiction and philosophy blur, someone once asked me, regarding my work. My answer then is the same it is now: The line that you see is nothing more than an illusion, created from your inability to reach into the sea of potential and pull what meaning might illuminate its truth. Those who read my fiction without a true base to connect the hidden energetic power that I lace within each sentence, will come to realize that a base is being created within them. They will begin to think and understand things that they never would have given a second thought to. Some have nightmares and paranoia, creeping within their souls; a product of the Predator Mind, trying to maintain its connection to their consciousness.
Those affected most by the Predator Mind will have the most trouble dealing with the books. They will avoid contact with them with no real reason as to why. If they are given one as a gift, they will shy away from it, as though it were an uncomfortable chore. I have created within my work, multiple energetic realities and stages. Whenever a person comes to me and explains what they comprehend from the work—aside from the fiction-based story plot (which is truly the last thing on my agenda when I write)—they generally can figure out one or, sometimes two, of the layers of meaning within the work; but there are many more. It is the layers that you don’t know I have placed within that matter the most. Those hidden “packets of power,” disguised as words, that will unlock the proper connections, both within your mind and within your soul.
To give a real life example, I will take a small idea from my book Shadows of the Void: The Rise of a Philosopher King (Book 1, Page 96-98), and I will unpack it for my readers. The level of depth I created within a few paragraphs require me to break a single idea that I have written about into sections, so that I might better reveal its power to the reader:
Section 1 (pages 96-97):
Ravenwolf walks to the edge of the lake and with his hand, motions toward its tranquil waters.
As an SOV, you must learn to hold the Truth within your being, without force. Humanity is like this lake.
Ravenwolf cupped his hands together and plunged them into the water.
The lake is Truth and they try to fill themselves up with the waters of Truth, but, as you can see, they can only cup a small fraction of what is there.
Ravenwolf lets the water slip through his fingers, as he continued his philosophy.
It is almost so insignificant that it is nearly false, but still, they believe that they understand it. Their potential is limited and they cannot explain the Lake of Truth.
Section 2 (page 97):
Ravenwolf then reached into the lake and pulled a fish from its waters.
You, dear listener, and all future Shadows, are like this fish. You swim within the Lake of Truth, not foolish enough to try to contain its waters, and yet, you are still not entirely one with the lake.
You begin to understand his metaphor but wonder, what is he within this lake? If you and the rest of the SOV are fish within this lake, swimming within its beautiful waters and gaining great wisdom, what then is the man giving you this wisdom?
Ravenwolf released the fish back into the waters.
I am the lake. I do not try to possess that which I already am, since that is foolish. Truth is something that cannot be grasped, since it is beyond you. You can only become Truth, which you already are, as spirit. I can take you to the edge of reality and Truth, but it is you that must decide to jump and become that which you already are.
To reach the edge of reason and Truth—how can one become what they already are. You begin to question whether you even know what Truth is. What would someone have to do to become the lake and exist as they truly are?
The answers that you are looking for, faithful listener, can only be found once you dive in and cease trying to hold onto the waters of yesterday. The more I teach you of Truth, the further away we get from what it actually is, due to the limitations and prejudices of language. Simply learn to become equilibrium, and in doing so, you will begin to understand.
One cannot know Truth, since to know means one is merely holding onto something that is outside of them, until it escapes. One simply is or is not Truth—which is the spirit within you.
Section 3 (page 98):
All words in language are prejudice and contradictory and therefore illusions of the ego. Truth is unspeakable in its entirety and that is why one must become Truth by stripping themselves of their illusory construct called the ego. It is like a return to grace. To know Truth is to hold onto a fleeting dream, but to be Truth is to exist as everything.
Truth is not a human emotion; it simply is. When you feel something is true, it is because your spirit is trying to get your body to make sense of something that is beyond it. Without this sensation of Truth, the inhibitory neurons within your body would prevent your mind from transitioning what is outside of its grasp.
You feel as though the concept of Truth is suddenly becoming clearer. It is not as simple as a yes or no answer or question, but a complex understanding of something that is beyond words and ideals. The Truth that Ravenwolf has been subtly trying to place within your mind, is something that you need not have to find. It is already within you, as your borrowed spirit—, which is of the Great Spirit.
The pure essence of what gives you life is the very Truth that so many seekers of wisdom have been trying to find, since the beginning of time. It is this same Truth that allows you to question everything and anything. It is the root of consciousness and the very fabric of existence.
In this excerpt, I am layering several meanings, some of which I will give you. I generally do not like simply handing another person the answer to deep wisdom, because it does not serve them well. Wisdom is not currency; by taking it, unearned, your soul does not grow. You can “parrot” the wisdom back, if you find the circumstance(s) to exactly meet the original situation that you stole the wisdom from, but beyond that, you are lost within the dark, with an unfamiliar truth. Nevertheless, I will give you three truths from three sections of my layered work, from most primitive to more philosophical and thus, more powerful. I had to take a single idea and split it into three sections, as the sheer depth of my layering is not how writers normally write their books. If their work has any value whatsoever, outside of feeding the Predator Mind through those impulses within the reader to act out upon the pages, as though it were an extension of themselves, they cannot hope to mimic what I am creating for the new generation of philosophers and writers. To give you a small demonstration, I have unpacked a single idea, from but one large work of mine, so that the reader might begin to see what I am really creating for the generations to come:
From Section 1:
1) The direct size of the medium (cup) in which you utilize to capture the waters of the lake (truth), is proportionate to how much knowledge you can retain within your human mind.
2) The mere action of separating parts of the lake (truth) from the entire lake (truth) creates a false idea of whatever knowledge one believes they possess (within their cup).
3) A problem with hermeneutics becomes apparent whenever a single understanding becomes “actualized” against the entire potential that exists within the realm of possibility. In other words, to step away from oneself, in order to create a concrete and idealized reference point to attach future understanding from, inherently implies that whatever new information is acquired, it will be through the lens and false realization of only a single part of something greater. The truth, in this manner, becomes a clever self-deception.
From Section 2:
1) Those who claim enlightenment, have learned to become fish within the lake (truth), but they are still separate from the lake (truth). They can understand greater truth and move and adapt to foreign situations, but they are still locked within a state of self-deception.
2) To become truth, one needs to comprehend the nature of equilibrium, as this is the primal state of a single organism—of a whole. To desire knowledge, as a means to power, naturally weakens the connection of the pseudo-enlightened being, who, in their false comprehension of unity, tries to resist the darkness that has always been part of the entire lake (truth).
3) When you become what you already are, as truth, you realize that there is no need to “try” to be anything, you will exist as a whole and as you are. Where the fish and the fool have problems are when they believe that this means they are already complete, as a separate whole within the lake. This is not the case. The whole becomes equilibrium, through a natural virtue that is always present within a complete entity. It can be understood best as a virtue to oneself—if you are the entire lake, as one claims to be. This is true enlightenment and it can only be acquired through equilibrium; all else is separate parts of truth which, by their very definition, are false—mere self-deceptions.
From Section 3:
1) The words that describe a single potential of truth, in themselves, are false; they contradict what they point to as a reference. If I say that I am referring to a black pen, I am lacing within this idea, everything that I do not want. I am not just trying to claim a desire for a particular color of pen, I am telling the world what it is not. It is not blue; it is not a pencil; it is not a man, nor is it a dog. If this pen were to take the place of truth, then my words, “I want truth,” would follow this same false possession. I would be separating the whole once more and what is most important becomes what I place on the other side of what I determine is truth.
2) Being that truth is equilibrium, that truth is whole and never part; the spirit—being pure truth—is felt when the person, who is not complete, as their ego separates them from what they truly are, is in harmony with itself. This does not imply that the spirit is ever out of harmony, as it is whole and complete, but rather that the human mind—as it is infected by the Predator Mind—returns to equilibrium, if but for a single moment, and through this brief realization, that “gut feeling” is experienced.
3) Truth, as the root of consciousness, is already whole within itself. To seek the possession of knowledge leads the seeker away from themselves and fools them away from the spirit within them. It is impossible to generate something from nothing and the same holds for truth. To put it in simpler terms, if one has never had eyes to see, could you teach them of colors and shapes? Even if you claim that this is possible—say, through touch, the impressions that they receive will not be the same as is within your mind and this is problematic. If truth becomes radically relative from situations such as this, then it cannot be truth; for truth is not contradictory—otherwise, by definition, it is a lie. What this means is that the root of truth must already exist within the other person, for when you read a philosophical work that raises your awareness, which implies that the seed that gave birth to the tree of knowledge within, must have already existed; it only needed the proper light and water to grow.
These are only a few of the hidden truths that I have laced within these few paragraphs. To read my work and mistake it for a simple work of fiction is a disservice to me, as well as to oneself. Use my books to grow, dear readers, and never mistake them for empty and meaningless crap that serves only to feed the Predator Mind. This small excerpt is not merely a single or even great example of the level of depth I place within my books, it was merely a happenstance flip of the pages, opening to page 96 and taking whatever idea was there to demonstrate my style of writing. I felt it necessary to present it this way, so that those who have read it or plan on reading it, can ensure that they get the most out of my work and if they believe that they fully comprehend what I mean, then perhaps they should look again. With new mediums and growth will come new anchors to tether the power that I have created within my work into their souls. I wish you all the very best and I appreciate all of your support now, and going forward.
Copyright (C) 2013 Arcane Ravenwolf